I'm going to try to make this a regular Wednesday posting, if I can remember. I recently took in a full sized lamancha doe. Up until her, my personal goat experience has been nigerian dwarf goats and pygoras.
I didn't really * want * another goat, especially a full sized one, but purchased her at a low price more out of mercy for an acquaintance who could no longer care for her.
She is the wrench in my gears. The fly in my ointment. THE PAIN IN MY ARSE. My property isn't fenced. I let the other goats out and they stay put. Oh, no. Not Supermodel. She wonders....far... an encourages the rest of the herd to follow suit. Sometimes I tie her out ( I'm home all day so can watch to make sure she doesn't get caught up). When the herd is with. Her she's fine. When they move on however she screams like a crazy person. And its not a cute little bleat like my nigis. Its a loud panicky yodel.
Did I mention she's a fence jumper? My little goats Have never even tried to scale the four foot fence that makes up their pen. After a month, she decided she didn't like it in there and found my front porch much more appealing. She now resides in the Buck pen. A 16/16 chain link square. She can't get out of that ( though she does Jump on the door at feeding time making it damn near impossible to open ).
I've though about trading her for an alpine, because in my head They're smaller and therefore more manageable. Then I get terrible guilty feelings. She's very friendly and will probably be an easy milker. Then she does this criss crossy thing back and forth in front of me when I try to walk and all guilt evaporates like goat pee in the sand.
I think ' hhhmmmmm.... if I can just hold out a little longer. I can breed her and make mini manchas And then sell her!'
But with my luck, I'd just end up with Mini Supermodels, plural, Instead of just the one.
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