I want to be a farm gal. I want the sun on my back and dirt under my nails. My calloused hands are a badge of honor. I wish to breed heritage livestock. My thumbs aren't at all green, but my heart is. I will utilize micro farming and small scale urban farming models though I'm in the middle of a vast, dry, rural desert.All this on as little land as possible. This should be interesting......I hope....
I was waiting for ALL of the new spring arrivals before working on this post, but some are delayed so here it goes!!
First off -My birthday was in February. Lover kept asking me what I wanted. I couldnt think of anything. i suggested choosing something from my amazon wishlist but that response didnt fly.
So i picked something i assumed Lover would NEVER agree too -A calf. To my surprise within 48 hours of making the decision a deposit was put down on a jersey heifer!! I picked her up from the ranch two weeks later.
Her Name is Diane though more often than not she gets called Miss D (whens shes being a brat) or Diana Banana (when she is being cute or silly).
And remember my challenging Baby Orchid from a couple of years ago? Well shes all grown up now and has had a kid of her own. She looks just like her mama, but she has blue eyes like her daddy instead of yellow. Her sire is a saanen. He is incredibly sweet. And so is Little Trixiebell.