Today i staked out the new garden plot. its small, only 180sf. Its intended purpose is to grow pumpkins , potatoes and a hanging garden so it will be big enough for now.
This garden is located on the south side of our home so it gets plenty of sun. Theres a huge palo verde tree in front of it so that will work as a wind break from that direction.
the end of the garden has a pergola type thing that the dog kennel is under. the sides are just perfect for hanging upside down growing peppers and tomatoes. The tops of the upside down garsen pails will have carrots beats and radishes.
the pumpkins will be planted in the mulch basin that our greywater is filtered through.
if this garden is a success all we have to do is buy three more steel posts amd push the boarder of the garden out farther.
Here in the high desert gardens have to be shielded from extreme heat and high winds so a huge sprawling garden isnt very practical.
i know it aint pretty righ now but it will be!

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