Stupid wind. Its destroying my high climbing cucurbits.
I definately need to put up a windbreak on the southwest side of the garden.
My paths seemed like a good width at the time, but if they were a weeee bit more narrow i can fit a lot more crap in there!!
I will not be planting corn again in this plot. It takes up way too much space. I thought because they were primarily planted on the very edges of the garden behind the beds i was utilizing the space well. Im thinking i will better utilize that space by planting something permanant-like grape vines!
Rather than widening my beds, im going to add 5 lb buckets. I have them all the place so i may as well in them!
I also can now see i could have fit more IN the beds. In other words, more intensive plantings.
So these are my reflections. And these are changes that i will be implementing in the fall garden.

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