Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ruminations for 2014

Now that we live in a cooler climate ,Lover and i are talking about adding rabbits again. We have more gardens and less chickens so we are going to build a couple chicken tractors and raise the rabbits colony style in the old coop and run. The coop already has a solidish bottom (so no rabbits digging out or predators digging in). The run would need to be fortified to keep the rabbits in.
Bees are also a go for next year.. im very much looking forward to 2014!! Its going to be a great year..
If youre unsure what a chicken tractor is, here are a curtesy of google.

1 comment:

  1. How does that work, using a tractor. I am trying to visualize it. Do you place the tractor over the plants that are growing - if so, don't the rabbits eat the plants? Isn't it too big to move around in a garden space? I know they use tractors for chickens but that is in pasture where plants aren't growing. Or do you just use the tractor before the garden is started? I just got more Runners. 10 more. So cool.
