Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goat milk does the body good.

This week I've skimmed cream off of a weeks worth of milk to make butter.  I've made raw cottage cheese using white vinegar instead of rennet and now I'm setting milk out to clabber to use as feed for the flock.

Lucy is only giving me about one 1 1/2 pints in the morning and I'm not milking consistently at night because she's still nursing. If I notice one side of her big beautiful udder is in need of a quick milk out ( from her remaining only liking her right side) then I'll do that in the evening and I get about a cup.  Even with a nursing kid, she's giving us about One quart a day. This is her second freshening.

I'm very proud of Lucy! She's been such a good girl. I can't wait until the fall when we breed Supermodel. She's going to be a touchy though. I'll have to start working with her sooner rather than later. She is so kicky and bratty Just from doing her feet.

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