Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My little bottle babe

Today I went out to spend some quality time with the goats. With the cost of hay continually rising ($2 already this year) and an unfenced pasture ( which didn't matter before because I had no neighbors ) I have to cull. I wanted to spend some time with my goat pals before they get culled.

My little bottle baby Orchid is still my love. She is just so darn sweet. She wags her tail and puts her head in my lap, shortly followed by the rest of her growing body. The other goats all can over to say hi( except for the two who have never been trusting) and nibbled on my clothes .

I didnt realize how much I missed my little goat. I used to spend time with her every day! I need to get back to that. She makes me happy. And she'll NEVER end up in the freezer so I do.t have to worry about that either.

I found one of her little dresses today when I was unpacking. I can't believe she ever fit that!! And while yes I know I'm a Nutter, the clothes really were to keep her warm until she was healthy ( and she just looked so darn adorable).


  1. Its very hard to get decent pics of my goats, particularly her. If I go in the pen she's trying to get on me so is too close and if I stay outside the pen the other bombard the fencing and she's shoved to the back. Its sort of a two person job. I'll try to get some this weekend.
